Your Loved Ones On The Other Side


Our loved ones that have crossed over visit us sometimes. Most of us who have lost someone close to us know this. We may suddenly sense them, or think of them, or something we see reminds us of them. The good news is that they really are connecting with us, more often than we think!

Do you ever smell your grandmother’s perfume? Or maybe your Uncle’s cigar?

How about feeling pulled to go the long way to work, and seeing a huge garden full of white roses when that was your mom’s favorite flower? The opportunities for them to connect with us and send us love are endless! We just need to pay attention a little bit better!

My dad crossed over in 1998, and I do feel him often. I was having a particularly rough time about a month ago, and was driving home. Suddenly, I heard the words “bull taco minibikes” in my head. I laughed aloud! I remembered my dad used to say that a lot when I was young! I hadn’t heard that phrase since then. I had to call my brother and ask him what that meant. It was a minibike company in the seventies! I knew my dad was trying to reach me to say hello and cheer me up. It worked!

Being a medium is always very interesting. When I go to have a reading with a client I never know who is going to come through. Well, sometimes they come a little bit early and say hello, so in that case I do know! In order for me to receive the messages from your loved ones on the other side, I have to let the information come to me. I don’t reach for it, I let them bring it to me.

You may find that when you are sitting still relaxing, that this is when you think about your loved ones. It may come when you are cooking, knitting, driving, reading, taking a bath, etc. They know when you are receptive, and they will connect with you during those times.

Do you want to take it a little bit further? When you feel, smell, sense your peeps around, say hello! Ask them if they have a message for you. Relax, try to still your mind, and receive it! They have many ways to communicate, and it will depend on what is the easiest way to bring that info to you. You may see pictures, hear them, feel them, or just simply have a sense of knowing. These are all the various ways that we perceive folks from the other side, including loved ones and Guides. If you find yourself thinking about it too much, or “in your head,” just go about your day, and see if a message comes to you!

Remember, next time you pick up your mother’s favorite vase to dust, you can say hello! They are connected to us via our consciousness, so they really are always with us, to a certain extent. Although, admittedly more so sometimes than others. We often have very strong ties to our loved ones that we have a Soul bond with, and these do not go away after they cross.

When they cross they do become much more expansive energetically, but they can always show us that personality that we connected with in this dimension and in this incarnation. But we know them from a Spirit level by many many different faces. They often show us what is familiar, understandable and readily perceived though. They know that we remember them by things from this lifetime, and they will come to us with those symbols.

Does this mean that they are still the same? I suppose that would depend on how much of their true essence was here while they were incarnated! On the other side though, they are expanded and expanding energetically to become again the larger part of themselves. We know them on this level when we are Home, although we may not recognize that expanded being while we are still incarnated. This is why they show us the symbols about them that we would recognize from this lifetime when they communicate with us!

Bless them all for their dedication and love! Remember, there is no such thing as death as most people understand it. Death is only a change of consciousness! The loved ones we feel we have lost are not really lost at all! Find a way to use more than your five senses, and you will discover this to be true!

© 2008 My Spirit Guides/Tobi Titchener/


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