Can My Loved Ones In Spirit Hear Me When I Speak To Them?


As a Medium, I get asked this question a lot. It is probably one of the top five questions I receive from clients. I don’t pretend to have all the answers or understand the complex intricacies of  the “other side.” Just because I can hear Spirit, doesn’t mean they share all the answers! But what I can do is speak from my personal experience with Spirit, and my experience professionally with clients.

When I do mediumship readings, I find that my client’s loved ones often tell me things that the client has discussed within the last day or two. They tell me about things going on in the family, but also what people in the living are planning to do as well!

They always want to make sure it is understood that Spirit is not missing out on things happening with family, friends and loved ones still in the living!

When I do a session, I request you not ask me questions initially, but instead have you pose them to your loved ones in your head. Quite frequently, Spirit will bring it up and answer your questions without you asking me or even saying it aloud. They know what is on your mind. If at the end of the session it still hasn’t been answered, that is when I prefer to have clients ask questions aloud to me. (Spirit answers a lot of questions, but I certainly cannot guarantee what they will answer based on the client’s own soul’s journey).

As humans we are very verbal beings, but understand that Spirit’s mode of communication is much more expansive then we can imagine. So if saying things aloud to your loved ones makes you feel better, by all means do so! But your loved ones don’t need you to speak aloud to “hear” you and know what’s on your mind and in your heart!

My dad has been in Spirit for almost 20 years. When I speak to him, other loved ones, or my Guides, I speak to them telepathically or via conversations in my head. I often hear him telepathically saying funny things to lighten my mood and make me laugh! What is it like for me? If you were singing your favorite song in your head, that’s what it’s like for me when I communicate with Spirit. How do I know it’s my dad? Believe me, his sense of humor was quite individual and very telling!

Please don’t worry that your loved ones have moved on and don’t hear you or connect with you just because they are no longer in the physical! In my experience that has never been the case!



Spirit Share


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