What Is It Like To Have A Mediumship Reading With Tobi


Honestly, I cannot tell you what a typical reading looks like because there really are no “typical” readings. Of course readings share many commonalities, as does communicating with Spirit! But it is very hard to say a reading is going to look a particular way or take a certain route, and here’s why.

Every person is unique, with individual experiences shaping their life and journey here on earth. I do not know anything about my first-time clients, but you can bet Spirit does! I have heard many psychic mediums say that you often get the reading you need and not necessarily the reading you want. I agree with this statement, although I really do try my best to give you the reading that Spirit wants you to have, while honoring your needs and desires.

Having said that, it is important to know that, as mediums and psychics, WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE INFO COMING THROUGH! We are channeling the information from Spirit with the most accuracy and specificity possible, but we do not control whether or not Spirit answers a question. 

In mediumship readings, which are readings where I communicate with your loved ones in Spirit, the information they bring forward or answer depends on a number of factors. I have learned that it depends on what your Spirit Guides (your team in Spirit that are with you to help you achieve your life/soul’s goals) allow you to receive. It might also depend on a particular soul contract where you are not meant to know or understand the answer to a question you ask. In the case of active soul contracts, we often are not meant to know answers, as we are guided through the experience from our own Soul and Guides, but not meant to know everything ahead of time.

People often find this a frustrating aspect of getting a reading. Often clients say things like, “Why won’t they tell me?” “Why can’t I know the exact timing?” “I know my mom (in Spirit) would want to tell me!!” Let me tell you, my father has been in Spirit for twenty-one years, and there are many things that he won’t tell me! He often looks at my Guides and asks what he can divulge. That is just the way it is! We are here for the experience, learning and growing, and our Souls actually do not want us to have all those answers ahead of time, as frustrating as it might seem to our ego/human selves.

Now, so what DO they tell us? LOADS! In a mediumship reading, Spirit often tells not only information about themselves, they will tell me who they are with (often allowing communication with more than one loved one)! They also discuss many things going on with the living! 

They might share how they passed, special moments at the end, or in life, things they loved, places they lived, cars they drove. They sometimes come through with beloved pets, or loved ones they were close to. They might be playing the piano, eating a steak, jumping on a trampoline, playing blackjack, flying an airplane, driving a race car, baking a strudel or any infinite number of things they associated with their human life!

They might show me a wedding, a graduation, a birth, a 50th anniversary, a new job, a big tournament win, a move, a trip to Europe, a new car, a new home, or many other special and magnificent things that have happened since they passed. In the same manner they mention the hard stuff too, the cancer treatment, the heart attack, the bankruptcy, the diabetes onset, the addiction, the job loss, the divorce, or perhaps another passing of a beloved family member. They mention the good and the bad, to show us they have been with us all along, not missing a thing! 

They also love to mention things other family members are going through (again good and bad) and send their love. They love to mention names, birthdays, passing dates and other evidential information that lets you know they are connected with everyone!

Sometimes Spirit mentions seemingly mundane or random things. Why would they mention these things? Well, I can tell you, if they know you ate Baha fish tacos for lunch, they certainly aren’t missing out on anything, are they? Spirit has been known to mention what my client just ate, what kind of birthday cake they had, that they almost got in an accident the day before, that they just started going to the gym, that they just gave boxes of things to charity, that they are having trouble sleeping, that they sneak off for a secret cigarette, that they just attended an college alma mater football game, that they attended a ceramics class, that they are writing a book. Well you see, after almost two decades of readings, I could go on and on!!

Mostly they are not judging you, they are loving you. They are not criticizing every choice you have made, they are smiling at your strength. They aren’t disappointed or unhappy with you, they are proud of you. They have expanded beyond the version of them you knew, and they are often sorry they hurt you. They are sorry they gave you such a hard time when you tried to care for them when they were ill. They apologize for abuse and causing harm or trauma, and they understand if you cannot forgive them. They are sorry they abandoned you, or that they weren’t a good parent or partner. They are sorry they drank alcohol instead of being present and loving.

And they forgive you for it all. For not being there when they passed, for not spending enough time with them, for that last argument-it is all water under the bridge. They aren’t harboring anger and resentment. They aren’t going back over their traumatic passing. They are at peace and love is what they have for you. They don’t want you to feel guilty. They want you to let it go and be at peace too. If you cannot, that is ok too.

So, do they know you wrote them that letter? Released balloons in the park? The high school retired their football jersey number? The family flew some lanterns for them in Hawaii? You played Fleetwood Mac at their funeral? You put some of their ashes up at the family’s lake cabin? You bring yellow roses to their grave? Everyone had a shot of whiskey for them at the funeral? You make their famous chocolate chip pancakes every Sunday for the grandkids? ABSOLUTELY! These are all things that spirit has brought up in readings, to show that yes they do know! They were right there beside you! In fact, they saw you do that shot of Jack in the car before you did the balloon release! Yup, they will mention that too!

Even though readings may share things in common, no two readings are exactly alike! Just as no two mediums are alike in the way they read. My goal is always to give you the best and most accurate reading that I can, interpreting Spirit’s symbols and messages to the best of my ability. My goal is to connect with you and Spirit, and to inspire, heal, facilitate release, educate, assist, motivate, and make your quality of life better moving forward! 

Copyright ©2020 Tobi Titchener/www.mediumtobi.com. No portion of this article may be reproduced, published, or shared without the copyright information intact and a link to www.mediumtobi.com

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