The Healing Power Of Speaking With The Other Side

Being a Psychic Medium is not always easy, but it is often very rewarding. What most people do not understand is Spirits are everywhere. Many of my clients think of their loved ones as having gone to some far away and distant land, but this simply isn’t what Spirit has shown me to be truth.

Our loved ones are never far away and are connected to us through our consciousness and our hearts. They don’t have to travel far (in the way humans perceive distance) to come to us, as there is no such thing as time and space on the other side. But I have found that people frequently believe this to be the case. Many do not realize the ease at which they connect with us, and are able to support us and send their love.

We hold onto the human things, for fear that if we let them go, their memory will go with those human items. From what I have learned from Spirit, nothing could be further from the truth. Spirit is not attached to material items, or the physicality any longer. The urn with the ashes, the grave site, the jewelry and other keepsakes we hold on to, are for us, not for them. We do not need them to connect to our loved ones in Spirit, but of course the other side understands why we keep those items close to our hearts. They know why we put the flowers on their grave, and talk to the urn over the fireplace. Before I started doing this work, I believed the same thing.

My father passed in 1998 when I was 25 years old. He was ill for maybe two weeks, and we all thought he had the flu. He went into the hospital and died of congestive heart failure that very night. Upon receiving the autopsy results, we learned that he had kidney and liver cancer and his organs were simply shutting down. Today, I am thankful that he chose to go quickly, and that he did not suffer at the end. But back then? Back then I lost my whole world.

My dad and I were always very close, and in fact he was the person on the planet that I was closest to. Grief is a hard thing to put into words. I remember being in utter disbelief that the world continued to move on after his death. I thought for sure it would just stop, because that is what it felt like to me. Utterly heartbroken is the only way I can explain the loss. I had no idea how I would be able to go on. I have met many clients that feel or have felt the same way.

But move on we do, and often with the help from them on the other side. But why is it hard for them to reach us sometimes? Often, we are grieving so heavily, that our hearts are traumatized and it is difficult for us to feel their love. I have done numerous readings where the person who has crossed has shown me and told my client all the times that they are close to them.

The very energetically sensitive people, or clairsentients (clear-feeling, one of the psychic senses that comes through the solar plexus chakra) are usually aware because they can feel Spirit, but those heavily grieving often miss the love-grams that they send.

Usually our loved ones are close to us during our grieving period, and they do assist with the healing process. But sometimes our loved ones who have crossed remain very close to us, and are tied to our paths, even from the other side. My father is not a Guide of mine, but is very connected to me at a Soul level. He is often helping me from Spirit, and is aware of everything going on in my life. He assists as much as he can in adherence to what I have decided before I incarnated (my soul contracts). I find many of my clients just have a feeling or a knowing that a loved one is gone, but still tied to them very closely.  Often when Spirit comes through they will validate that information.

There is no one way to grieve, or a correct way to get through it. Grieving is a very individual process that needs to be respected and honored, even if it isn’t the way we would do it ourselves. Sometimes when a family looses a loved one, one person may grieve more heavily than the others. For example, in losing a child, one parent may have a very close soul relationship with that child, or have chosen to be very emotionally connected to them, and it will be much harder for them to move on without them.

A person may resent their spouse if it is easier for them to move forward, and it may cause a lot of tension and volatility in the relationship. This occurrence is quite common, but please remember that grieving is individual.  Let those around you grieve in their own way and time. Although grieving is meant to be a process an individual must move through and learn from, I would like to share a few things from Spirit that may make it a little bit easier.

I have also found that many of my clients express that they grieve differently than their spouses do. I think this is also a very common experience. Often women want to discuss emotions, and are not able to compartmentalize the way many men do. I have found that many of my male clients that have a traumatic loss grieve heavily, but have a more difficult time expressing those emotions. It is easier for them to compartmentalize and focus on their day-to-day. Of course this isn’t true across the board.

I always suggest that grieving couples see a grief counselor, and often separate sessions-with a few joint ones- work best. But also it is crucial that they have support outside the family. Whether this is a counselor, friends, or a grief group, it is very important to be able to express grief in a way that feels best and most supportive for the individual.

Many people often feel guilty if they have any happy or joyful feelings after losing a loved one. They feel like they should feel badly (wear the black shroud) and they will not allow themselves to heal and move forward because of this guilt. Spirit WANTS US TO BE HAPPY!  Spirit wants us to feel joy, and to move forward and find our way back to love and light. They do not want us to feel burdened or like we need to keep our hearts heavy out of respect.

The more we feel heavy, depleted, depressed, unfulfilled and unhappy, the harder it is for Spirit to reach us. Remember, everything is based on vibration, in this dimension, and on the other side. If we have a very heavy vibration, in makes sense that it would be hard for someone from the other side to connect to us, because their vibration is lifted after they cross.

Lastly, I want to share that a Medium reading can be just brilliant in helping you connect to your loved ones and move forward, knowing that they are at peace (I almost always find that they are far far beyond peace!). It is rewarding for me to offer validation of loved ones in Spirit, and specific information that helps the sitter know that their loved ones are really communicating with them! However, I want my clients to be able to connect with their loved ones too, and recognize all the ways in which they send their love and support.

It is very healing to know that death is not at all what we make it out to be in our modern society. There is no death, really, just a change of consciousness, and a loss of the physical body. It is my goal to help bring that knowledge and understanding to as many people as I can, so we can celebrate the beauty of our loved ones going home, even in the bittersweet time of loss. With this belief in our hearts, we will not have fear, but rather a knowing that all is well and physical death is merely the end of an adventure in one dimension, and the beginning of a new adventure in another!

I hope this helped any of you out there that are grieving from the loss of somebody near and dear to you. Please pass this along to anybody that may benefit from this information, or a sitting with myself and Spirit.

©2010 Tobi Titchener;

Tobi Titchener is a Psychic and Evidential Medium.  She uses a combination of all of her psychic senses to communicate with her Guides, your Guides and people that have crossed over.  Her passion is connecting people to their own Inner-Spirit and teaching others how to “hear” their Guidance.  


A Father’s Day Tale From Spirit